Inscribe Art


Our Services


We believe that a well-executed mural offers a unique opportunity for customers to engage with your brand in a memorable way. We design hand-painted murals that communicate the story that our clients want to tell – whether it’s a product, service, event, or PSA, we’ll bring it to life. Whether it’s a billboard display, or an office mural, or street advertising, or even a digital design for you to use in your own way, we’re your plug.

Art in Public Spaces

Our Mission is to integrate culture and arts in urban public spaces to shape the images and identity of cities, while empowering the people within these communities. Public art or art in public places is a growing phenomenon with Governments across the Globe recognizing the importance of art in place making. We believe that street art, when properly executed within cities, highlights the value of outdoor spaces. It brings communities together with a sense of ownership and shared identity.

Through murals, collages, mosaics, stencil painting, monument artworks, these forms of contemporary art open up avenues for integration between neighbourhoods, and cities. Globally, street art has been found to boost attractiveness, image, and tourism across cities. It is a way of democratizing culture!

Urban Art Education

At Inscribe we believe in the ideology of #EachOneTeachOne, therefore we create opportunities for knowledge/skills transfer through masterclasses, workshops, summits, and mentorship. We teach creatives how to build and sustain a prosperous business.

Artist Representation

The Inscribe Collective is a team of Urban Artists that we represent. We believe in the power of community, and empowerment – as such, we have built this platform to help artists manage their business, so that they can focus on creating. We tell our artists stories, manage their client relationships, and negotiate on their behalf.

Experiential Campaigns

If you’re looking to create an experiential idea/campaign/event using Urban Art/culture as a catalyst, we provide consulting services to work with your team on ideating and executing your campaign.